Retrouvez en avant-première les abstracts présentés sur les 33es Journées Européennes de la SFC dans la revue scientifique Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases :
- 01 - Coronary artery disease
- 02 - Heart failure and cardiomyopathy
- 03 - Echocardiography and imaging
- 04 - Valvular heart disease
- 05 - Rhythmology and stimulation
- 06 - Arterial hypertension, vascular disease and metabolism
- 07 - Basic research and translational
- 08 - Epidemiology and prevention, rehabilitation and sport, sleep
- 09 - Pediatrics and congenital cardiopathies
- 10 - General cardiology/Ethics
- 11 - Paramedics
- 12 - Emergency care and intensive cardiac care
- 13 - Cardio-oncology
- 14 - Tropical cardiology
- 15 - Digital health
- 16 - Educational/Training and simulation