Associés aux Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases, les Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases supplements publient des résumés d’articles présentés lors des sessions annuelles des Journées Européennes de la Société Française de Cardiologie, du Printemps de la cardiologie et d’autres événements.
Long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes of children with congenital heart defects: A prospective, population-based cohort study (EPICARD)
Neil Derridj, Romain Guedj, Nathalie Lelong, Nathalie Bertille, Johanna Calderon, Lucile Houyel, Damien Bonnet, Francois Goffinet, Babak Khoshnood
Acute heart failure in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) in the context of global SARS-CoV-2 pandemi
Zahra Belhadjer, Mathilde Méot, Fanny Bajolle, Diala Khraiche, Antoine Legendre, Samya Abakka, Johanne Auriau, Marion Grimaud, Mehdi Oualha, Maurice Beghetti, Julie Wacker, Caroline Ovaert, Sebastien Hascoet, Maëlle Selegny, Sophie Malekzadeh-Milani, Alice Maltret, Gilles Bosser, Nathan Giroux, Laurent Bonnemains, Jeanne Bordet, Sylvie Di Filippo, Pierre Mauran, Sylvie Falcon-Eicher, Jean-Benoît Thambo, Bruno Lefort, Pamela Moceri, Lucile Houyel, Sylvain Renolleau, Damien Bonnet
Long-term follow-up of patients with tetralogy of fallot and implantable cardioverter defibrillator-The DAI-T4F nationwide registry
Victor Waldmann, Abdeslam Bouzeman, Guillaume Duthoit, Linda Koutbi, Francis Bessiere, Fabien Labombarda, Christelle Marquié, Jean Baptiste Gourraud, Pierre Mondoly, Jean-Marc Sellal, Pierre Bordachar, Alexis Hermida, Frédéric Anselme, Anouk Asselin, Caroline Audinet, Yvette Bernard, Paul Bru, Sok Sithikun Bun, Gael Clerici, Antoine Da Costa, Maxime de Guillebon, Pascal Defaye, Nathalie Elbaz, Romain Eschalier, Rodrigue Garcia, Charles Guenancia, Benoit Guy-Moyat, Franck Halimi, Didier Irles, Laurence Iserin, François Jourda, Magalie Ladouceur, Philippe Lagrange, Mikael Laredo, Jacques Mansourati, Grégoire Massoulié, Amel Mathiron, Philippe Maury, Anne Messali, Kumar Narayanan, Cédric Nguyen, Sandro Ninni, Marie-Cécile Perier, Bertrand Pierre, Penelope Pujadas, Frédéric Sacher, Pascal Sagnol, Ardalan Sharifzadehgan, Camille Walton, Pierre Winum, Cyril Zakine, Laurent Fauchier, Raphael Martins, Jean-Luc Pasquié, Jean-Benoit Thambo, Xavier Jouven, Nicolas Combes, Eloi Marijon, DAI-T4F investigators
Cardiac MRI prediction of recovery in children with acute myocarditis
Lamia Ait-Ali, Duarte S. Martins, Diala Khraiche, Pierluigi Festa, Andrea Barison, Nicola Martini, Yasmine Benadjaoud, Rui Anjos, Nathalie Boddaert, Damien Bonnet, Giovanni D. Aquaro, Francesca Raimondi
Transplantation for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension with Congenital Heart Disease: Impact of current therapeutic approach including a high-priority allocation programme on outcomes
Sébastien Hascoët, Margaux Pontailler, Jérôme Le Pavec, Laurent Savale, Olaf Mercier, Dominique Fabre, Sacha Mussot, Gérald Simonneau, Xavier Jais, Séverine Feuillet, Francois Stephan, Sarah Cohen, Damien Bonnet, Marc Humbert, Philippe Dartevelle, Elie Fadel
Prevalence of growth restriction at birth for newborns with congenital heart defects: A population-based prospective cohort study
A. Ghanchi., M. Rahshenas, D. Bonnet, N. Derridj, N. LeLong, L.J. Salomon, F. Goffinet, B. Khoshnood, EPICARD study group
Incidence, causes and outcome of new-onset heart failure in children with no known heart disease in a French area
Saïd Bichali, David Malorey, Nadir Benbrik, Laurianne Le Gloan, Christèle Gras-Le Guen, Alban-Elouen Baruteau, Elise Launay
Evaluation of a cardiac transplanted children cohort: long term pediatric follow-up and transiant to adulthood. Twenty years of monocentric experience
Chloé Wanert, Fedoua El Louali, Caroline Ovaert, Sylvie Schouvey, Marien Lenoir, Virginie Fouilloux, Michel Tsimaratos, Caroline Rousset-Rouvière, Florentine Garaix
Outcomes after common arterial trunk repair: Impact of surgical technique
Neil Derridj, Olivier Villemain, Babak Khoshnood, Zahra Belhadjer, Régis Gaudin, Olivier Raisky, Damien Bonnet
Risk factors for early pulmonary homograft dysfunction in congenital heart disease
Maëlys Venet, Zakaria Jalal, François Roubertie, Bernard Kreitmann, Julie Thomas, Amandine Martin, Xavier Iriart, Jean-Benoît Thambo
Outcomes of double switch procedure in patients with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries with or without associated VSD
Cynthia Cousergue, Sarah Cohen, Meriem Mostefa Kara, Isabelle Van Aerschot, Sébastien Hascoet, Régine Roussin, Joy Zoghbi, Emre Belli
Correction of Sinus Venosus Atrial Septal defects with the 10 zig covered CP Stent-an International Registry
Eric Rosenthal, Shakeel A. Qureshi, Matthew Jones, Gianfranco Butera, Kothandam Sivakumar, Younes Boudjemline, Ziyad M. Hijazi, Salim Almaskary, Reid D. Ponder, Morris M. Salem, Kevin Walsh, Damien Kenny, Sébastien Hascoet, Clément Batteux, Darren P. Berman, John Thomson, Joseph J. Vettukattil, Evan M. Zahn
Exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation from cardiac catheterization and risk of cancer: the COCCINELLE study
Kossi D. Abalo, Sophie Malekzadeh-Milani, Sébastien Hascoët, Serge Dreuil, Tiphaine Feuillet, Sarah Cohen, Claire Dauphin, Sylvie Di Filippo, Stéphanie Douchin, François Godart, Patrice Guérin, Pauline Helms, Clément Karsenty, Bruno Lefort, Pierre Mauran, Caroline Ovaert, Jean-François Piéchaud, Jean-Benoît Thambo, Klervi Leuraud, Damien Bonnet, Marie-Odile Bernier, Estelle Rage
Endovascular treatment for native coarctation in children in France. A multicentric, retrospective long-term analysis
Sophie Malekzadeh-Milani, Zakaria Jalal, Clement Karsenty, Fedoua El Louali, Philippe Aldebert, Alban Baruteau, Francois Godart, Claire Dauphin, Stéphanie Douchin, Hugues Lucron, Hélène Bouvaist, Sébastien Hascoet, Mélanie Bard, Ali Houjejeh, Damien Bonnet, Jean-Benoît Thambo, Caroline Ovaert
Percutaneous edge to edge systemic tricuspid valve repair for the treatment of severe tricuspid valve regurgitation in patients with systemic right ventricle: The first descriptive cohort
Alexandre Silini, Xavier Iriart
Edwards SAPIEN XT Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Implantation: 5-year follow-up in a French Registry
Robin Le Ruz, Julien Plessis, Ali Houeijeh, Alban-Elouen Baruteau, Laurianne Le Gloan, Karine Warin Fresse, Clément Karsenty, Jérôme Petit, François Godart, Sébastien Hascoët, Patrice Guérin
Indications and outcomes of cardiac catheterization following congenital heart surgery in children
Raymond N. Haddad, Juan Manuel Lange, Olivier Raisky, Regis Gaudin, Claudio Barbanti, Damien Bonnet, Sophie Malekzadeh-Milani
Anterior mini-thoracotomy versus transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus in very preterm infants
Chloé Wanert, Marien Lenoir, Damien Bonnet, Mathilde Meot, Virginie Fouilloux, Caroline Ovaert, Sophie Malekzadeh-Milani
Wolff Parkinson White syndrome: Validation of an algorithm for identifying accessory pathway in children
C. Djeddaï, C. Karsenty, A. Maltret, Y. Dulac, P. Acar, G. Albenque, S. Hascoet, J.P. Albenque, P. Maury, N. Combes
Familial recurrence patterns in congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries: An international study
Marine Tortigue, Lynne E. Nield, Christopher J. McLeod, Emre Belli, Sonya Babu-Narayan, Solène Prigent, Angèle Boet, Miriam Conway, Robert W. Elder, Magalie Ladouceur, Paul Khairy, Eva Kowalik, David M. Kalfa, David J. Barron, Shafi Mussa, Anita Hiippala, Joel Temple, Sylvia Abadir, Laurianne Le Gloan, Mathias Lachaud, Shubhayan Sanatani, Jean-Benoît Thambo, Céline Grunenwald Gronier, Pascal Amedro, Guy Vaksmann, Anne Charbonneau, Linda Koutbi, Caroline Ovaert, Ali Houeijeh, Nicolas Combes, Philippe Maury, Guillaume Duthoit, Bérengère Hiel, Christopher C. Erickson, Caroline Bonnet, George F. Van Hare, Christian Dina, Matilde Karakachoff, Clément Karsenty, Emmanuelle Fournier, Mathieu Le Bloa, Robert H. Pass, Leonardo Liberman, Juha-Matti Happonen, James C. Perry, Alain Fraisse, Michael A. Gatzoulis, Dominic J. Abrams, Anne M. Dubin, Siew Yen Ho, Richard Redon, Emile A. Bacha, Jean-Jacques Schott, Alban-Elouen Baruteau
The VE/VCO2 slope: A useful tool to evaluate the physiological status of children with congenital heart disease
Arthur Gavotto, Sophie Guillaumont, Stefan Matecki, Pascal Amedro
Neurodevelopmental outcome of children born to mothers with congenital heart disease
Orianne Reynier, Iris Ma, Fanny Dion, Adeline Basquin, Laurianne Le Gloan, Jean Gallet, Magalie Ladouceur, Bruno Lefort
Congenital heart defects in the foetus and embryological classification: Cladistic et phylogeny
Manon Hily, Damien Bonnet, Bettina Bessieres, Nicolas Garcelon, Hassan Faour, Lucile Houyel
Cell therapy using human cardiac progenitors cell-seeded collagen patches applied on failing overloaded right ventricle: A new step toward the treatment of right heart failure?
Virginie Lambert, Virginie Fouilloux, Edouard Aries, Pauline Brige, Sarab Al-Dybiat, Ambre Deleris, Fahd Tibourtine, Catherine Rucker-Martin, Guillaume Gorincour, Caroline Ovaert, Michel Pucéat
Effect of medical treatment on heart failure incidence in patients with a systemic right ventricle
Magalie Ladouceur, Teresa Segura de la Cal, Bamba Gaye, Eugénie Valentin, Reamsmei Ly, Laurence Iserin, Antoine Legendre, Elie Mousseaux, Wei Li, Isma Rafiq, Aleksander Kempny, Ana Barradas-Pires, Sonya V. Babu-Narayan, Michael A. Gatzoulis, Konstantinos Dimopoulos
Impact of 3D printed model in consultation on parents among children undergoing interventional cardiac catheterization
C. Karsenty, K. Hadeed, A. Guitarte, N. De Barros, G. Chausseray, X. Alacocque, Y. Dulac, A. Yrondi, P. Acar
Pediatric Cardiology Teams interact with Pediatric Palliative Care (PPC) Teams for children's and family's best interest: Results from a multicentric study in France
C. La Fay, P. Le Moine, L. Blanc, W. Abouchahla, N. Phan Hoang, E. Vial-Cholley, N. Cojean, A. Suc, E. Aries, C. Ovaert, G. Revon-Rivière, Fédération des Equipes Ressources Régionales de Soins Palliatifs Pédiatriques
Qualitative and systemic exploration of a nursing intervention through play, which aims to prepare a hospitalized child and his parents for cardiac surgery
Malvina Fellmann, France Dupuis, Sébastien Longuet, Sébastien Hascoet
Pregnancy in women with congenital heart diseases: Does the Carpreg II score significantly predict maternal outcomes in congenital heart diseases (PREG-GUCH study)?
Charlène Bredy, Fanny Deville, Grégoire De La Villeon, Hamouda Abassi, Laetitia Bègue, Gilles Burlet, Pierre Boulot, Pascal Amedro
Palliative arterial switch and pulmonary banding for complex intra cardiac repair in transposition of the great arteries
Célia Gran, Régis Gaudin, Margaux Pontaillier, Ayman Haydar, Anne Moreau de Bellaing, Vanessa Lopez, Pascal Vouhé, Olivier Raisky
The particular anatomy of ventricular septal defect in patients with Down syndrome and complete atrioventricular septal defect: An echocardiographic study
Zahra Belhadjer, Lucile Houyel, Johanne Auriau, Margaux Pontailler, Fanny Bajolle, Damien Bonnet
Congenital and acquired cardiovascular disorders associated with congenital portosystemic shunt: A disease may hide another...
Virginie Lambert, Delphine Ladarre, Feriel Fortas, Pierre Hervé, Emmanuel Gonzales, Philippe Durand, Oanez Ackermann, Florent Guérin, Laurent Savale, Danièle Pariente, Jean-Yves Riou, Valérie Mc Lin, Stéphanie Franchi-Abella
Association between prophylactic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and overall survival in Duchenne muscular dystrophy-analysis of registry data
Raphaël Porcher, Isabelle Desguerre, Helge Amthor, Brigitte Chabrol, Frédérique Audic, François Rivier, Arnaud Isapof, Vincent Tiffreau, Emmanuelle Campana-Salort, France Leturcq, Sylvie Tuffery-Giraud, Rabah Ben Yaou, Djillali Annane, Pascal Amédro, Christine Barnerias, Henri Marc Bécane, Anthony Béhin, Damien Bonnet, Guillaume Bassez, Mireille Cossée, Grégoire de La Villéon, Claire Delcourte, Abdallah Fayssoil, Bertrand Fontaine, François Godart, Sophie Guillaumont, Emmanuelle Jaillette, Pascal Laforêt, Sarah Leonard-Louis, Frederic Lofaso, Michele Mayer, Raul Juntas Morales, Christophe Meune, David Orlikowski, Caroline Ovaert, Hélène Prigent, Malika Saadi, Maximilien Sochala, Céline Tard, Guy Vaksmann, Ulrike Walther-Louvier, Bruno Eymard, Tanya Stojkovic, Philippe Ravaud, Denis Duboc, Karim Wahbi
Diagnostic value of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in prosthetic pulmonary valve infective endocarditis
Maëlys Venet, Zakaria Jalal, Reaksmei Ly, Sophie Malekzadeh-Milani, Sebastien Hascoët, Emmanuelle Fournier, Caroline Ovaert, Anne Claire Casalta, Clément Karsenty, Alban Elouen Baruteau, Laurianne Le Gloan, Maëlle Selegny, Stéphanie Douchin, Hélène Bouvaist, Yaniss Belaroussi, Fabrice Camou, Ghoufrane Tlili, Jean-Benoît Thambo
Physical activity reduces longitudinal strain alteration in children treated by anthracyclins
Arnaud Rique, Jennifer Cautela, Franck Thuny, Gérard Michel, Caroline Ovaert, Fedoua El Louali
Percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation: Long term outcomes
Ali Houeijeh, Clément Batteux, Emre Belli, Clément Karsenty, Jérôme Petit, Sébastien Hascoet
The Ross operation in young patients: 15-year's experience from a single Institution
Dib Nabil, Xavier Iriart, W. Albadi, Jean-Benoît Thambo, François Roubertie
Long-term follow-up of giant coronary aneurysms of Kawasaki disease in a non-Japanese cohort
Fanny Bajolle, Léa Bergez, Sophie-Guiti Malekzadeh-Milani, Damien Bonnet
Congenital heart disease with neonatal revelation in Tunisia: Epidemiological, clinical and evolutionary aspects
Emna Cherifi, Asma Ben Zina, Yosra Sdiri, Feirouz Ayari, Myriam Cheour, Wafa Belhajammar, Nadia Benameur, Samia Kacem
Value of echocardiography to diagnose coronary arteries patterns in transposition of great arteries
Claire Bertail-Galoin, Sylvie Di Filippo
Isolated fetal pericardial effusion: A case report treated by in utero pericardiocentesis
Marine Dorsi, Ronaldo Levy
Cardiac tomography 3D post-processing to assess percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation feasibility
Ali Houeijeh, Jérôme Petit, Clément Batteux, Clément Karsenty, Anne Sigal Cinqualbre, Arshid Azzarine, Marc-Antoine Isorni, Emmanuelle Fournier, Sarah Cohen, Meriem Kara, Isabelle Van-Aerschot, Joy Zoghbi, Regine Roussin, Emre Belli, Vlad Ciobotaru, Sébastien Hascoet
Non-invasive imaging of the healing process of atrial septal defect percutaneous occluders: A proof of concept study
E. Perdreau, R. Walton, M. Sigler, H. Cochet, J. Naulin, B. Quesson, O. Bernus, J.B. Thambo, Z. Jalal
Infective endocarditis in children: A 10-year multicentric study
M. Sélégny, S. Dirani, M. Mathiron, B. Urbina-Hiel, I. Durand, P. Maragnes, F. Godart, S. Cohen
Long-term results of right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction with Contegra®
Camille Guidon, Paul Neville, Nathalie Soulé, Jacques Poinsot, Jean Marc El Arid, Bruno Lefort
3D assessment of the residual cleft of the left atrioventricular valve after atrioventricular septal defect repair
C. Karsenty, A. Neily, A. Guitarte, B. Delepaul, A. Blanc, Y. Dulac, B. Leobon, K. Hadeed, P. Acar
Long-term evolution of aortic arch interruption repair with pulmonary artery autograft
Magalie Kaya, Paul Neville, Nathalie Soulé, Jacques Poinsot, Jean Marc El Arid, Bruno Lefort
Impact of genotype on the progression of aortic disease in patients with Marfan syndrome and Loeys-Dietz syndrome
Rémi Vincent, Fernanda Bajanca, Thomas Edouard, Julie Plaisancie, Marion Aubert-Mucca, Bertrand Chesneau, Aitor Guitarte Vidaurre, Yves Dulac
Late myocardial infarct in pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum: A must-know complication!
Marie Wilkin, Edouard Aries, Caroline Ovaert
Evaluation of image quality and radiation dose with prospective ECG-gated 80 multi-slice CT scan in 182 consecutive children examinations with congenital heart disease
Pauline De Cambourg, Thomas Senage, Hatem Nécib, Karine Warin Fresse
Sacubitril/Valsartan for heart failure in adults with systemic right ventricle: A single center safety and efficacy experience
Claire Massardier, Christine Houde, Jean-Marc Côté, Christian Drolet, Laurence Vaujois, Philippe Chetaille, Mathieu Bernier, Mario Senechal, Elisabeth Bedard
Prognostic study in patients with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) who underwent pulmonary valve replacement (PVR) for pulmonary regurgitation (PR) at a "senior" age
Florence Viau, Marien Lenoir, Gilbert Habib, Loic Macé, Anne-Claire Casalta, Philippe Aldebert
Pediatric genetic cardiomyopathies: Genetic profile and genotype-phenotype correlations
C. Wanert, K. Nguyen, S. Zaffran, C. Ovaert
Major aorto-pulmonary arteries in transposition of the great arteries: Impact and management
Zahra Belhadjer, Mathilde Meot, Sophie Guiti Malekzadeh Milani, Damien Bonnet
Fetal heterotaxy: Should we still categorize?
Lucile Houyel, Bettina Bessières, Marie Gonzales, Romulus Grigorescu, Naïma Talhi, Mathilde Lambert, Damien Bonnet
Fate of significant left atrioventricular valve residual gradient after atrioventricular canal repair
Carine Pavy, Mansour Mostefa-Kara, Exzequiel Pueblas, Manuel Melo, Margaux Pontailler, Régis Gaudin, Ayman Aydar, Olivier Raisky
Neonatal or infantile palliation for Tetralogy of Fallot with or without pulmonary atresia: Modified Blalock-Taussig shunt versus restrictive right ventricle to pulmonary artery connection. A 20-year experience
Mansour Mostefa-Kara, Margaux Pontailler, Carine Pavy, Régis Gaudin, Olivier Villemain, Andrea Dolcino, A. Moreau de Bellaing, Claudio Barbanti, Vanessa Lopez, Ayman Haydar, Damien Bonnet, Olivier Raisky
CT-echo fusion imaging: A new approach to congenital heart disease
Emmanuelle Fournier, Clément Batteux, Meriem Mostefa-Kara, Sarah Cohen, Isabelle Van Aerschot, Alia Meliani, Lisa Guirgis, Anne Sigal-Cinqualbre, Bastien Provost, Régine Roussin, Joy Zoghbi, Emre Belli, Sebastien Hascoët
Aerobic fitness in overweight/obese children with congenital heart disease: Benefit of adapted VO2 reference values
Arthur Gavotto, Thibault Mura, Pascal Amedro
Reference values of aerobic fitness in the contemporary paediatric population: VO2max Z-scores
Arthur Gavotto, Thibault Mura, Sophie Guillaumont, Stefan Matecki, Pascal Amedro
Interrupted aortic arch: Is it always a neonatal emergency?
Maha Tagorti, Kaouther Hakim, Hela Msaad, Khalil Ouaghlani, Rihab Ben Othmen, Fatma Ouarda
Transcatheter closure of silent patent ductus arteriosus for prevention of endocarditis is justified
Kaouther Hakim, Maha Tagorti, Hela Msaad, Rihab Ben Othmen, Khalil Ouaghlani, Fatma Ouarda
Histiocytoid cardiomyopathy management at the era of extracorporeal membrane assistance (ECMO): A series of 4 cases
Alice Maltret, Fanny Bajolle, Nicolas Combes, Nadir Benbrik, Olivia Domanski, Daphné Vens, Lucile Houyel, Damien Bonnet
Interest of ivabradine in pediatric arrhythmia. About a case and review of the literature
Alice Maltret
Total cavopulmonary connection procedure in adults: A review of the medical literature
Hichem Sakhi, Sébastien Hascoët, Emre Belli, Meriem Kara, Emmanuelle Fournier, Régine Roussin, Sarah Cohen
Modified technique of percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation with the Sapien 3: Impact on procedure and early outcome
Ali Houeijeh, Clément Batteux, Emre Belli, Clément Karsenty, Jérôme Petit, Sébastien Hascoët
A false left ventricular non-compaction; Late discovery of a corrected transposition of the great vessels in a 63-year-old patient
F. Saadi, B. Baloul, S. Hamadouche, B.V. Tung, N. Ghanem, V. Dormagen, G. Karrillon
Preliminary experience with the new Amplatzer™ Trevisio™ delivery system in transcatheter atrial septal defect closures in children
Raymond N. Haddad, Diala Khraiche, Damien Bonnet, Mathilde Meot, Sophie Malekzadeh-Milani
Medtronic microvascular plug™: A multipotent device for transcatheter occlusions in children with congenital heart disease
Raymond N. Haddad, Damien Bonnet, Sophie Malekzadeh-Milani
Retrospective descriptive study about causes of death in children with heart disease, between 2010 and 2020
Daphné Madec, Damien Bonnet
First descriptive study of congenital heart diseases in French Guiana showing complex epidemiological trends compared to mainland France
Hugues Lucron, Julie d’Orazio, Laurence Long, Fabio Cuttone, Alix Le Harivel de Gonneville, Marianna Stamatelatou, Véronique Lambert, Serge Zedong-Assountsa, Narcisse Elenga, Saskia Tuttle, Rishika Banydeen, Mélanie Brard
Efficacy, safety, and characteristics of the utilization of the Amplatzer Vascular Plug (AVP) II and IV for various percutaneous occlusions in children under 10 years
Hugues Lucron, Alban-Elouen Baruteau, Caroline Ovaert, Patrice Guerin, François Bourlon, Ali Houeijeh, Claire Dauphin, Saskia Tuttle, Maha Tagorti, Rishika Banydeen, Mélanie Brard, François Godart
Precision and impact of prenatal diagnosis of common arterial trunk
Daniela Laux, Neil Derridj, Fanny Bajolle, Hugues Lucron, Karim Jamal-Bey, Lucile Houyel, Damien Bonnet
Impact of COVID-19 disease on clinical research in paediatric and congenital cardiology
Victor Pommier, Hamouda Abassi, Kathleen Lavastre, Johanna Calderon, Sophie Guillaumont, Yves Dulac, Françoise Auriol, Caroline Ovaert, Aurelie Blondelon, Sébastien Hascoet, Florence Lecerf, Cecile Jore, Jean-Benoit Thambo, Pascal Amedro
Reliability of echocardiographic parameters of the systemic right ventricle systolic function: A prospective multicentre study
Victor Pommier, Charlene Bredy, Hamouda Abassi, Helena Huguet, Marie-Christine Picot, Sophie Pierard, Agnes Pasquet, Xavier Iriart, Jean-Benoit Thambo, Pascal Amedro
Critical aortic stenosis in neonates: Balloon valvuloplasty versus surgical valvotomy
A.T. Nguyen, A. Moreau de Bellaing, M. Pontailler, A. Haydar, R. Gaudin, O. Raisky
Infective endocarditis in children with congenital heart disease compare to structurally normal heart
Maëlle Sélégny, Sabine Dirani, Bérangère Urbina-Hiel, Isabelle Durand, Pascale Maragnes, François Godart, Sarah Cohen
ECMO in newborns after congenital heart surgery: Short- and mid-term outcome
Anne Moreau de Bellaing, India Pottier, Olivier Raisky
Percutaneous edge-to-edge repair in the setting of a severe systemic tricuspid regurgitation complicating a congenitally-corrected transposition of great arteries
Robin Le Ruz, Julien Plessis, Laurianne Le Gloan, Karine Warin Fresse, Patrice Guérin
Prevalence and associated factors of long-term growth failure in infants with congenital heart disease who underwent cardiac surgery before the age of one
Floriane Brief, Dominique Guimber, Jean-Benoit Baudelet, Ali Houeijeh, Jean-François Piéchaud, Adélaïde Richard, Guy Vaksmann, François Godart, Olivia Domanski
Impact of genotype on the progression of aortic disease in patients with Marfan syndrome and Loeys-Dietz syndrome
Rémi Vincent, Fernanda Bajanca, Thomas Edouard, Julie Plaisancie, Marion Aubert-Mucca, Bertrand Chesneau, Aitor Guitarte Vidaurre, Yves Dulac
Elective Melody valve insertion in mitral position: What have we learnt from our first and successful case?
Virginie Fouilloux, Philippe Aldebert, Marien Lenoir, Fedoua El Louali, Célia Gran, Caroline Ovaert
Relationship between right ventricle remodeling index and outcomes in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension and pre-tricuspid shunts
Maëlle Selegny, Emmanuelle Fournier, Marion Audié, Isabelle Van Aerschot, Meriem Mostefa-Kara, Sarah Cohen, Lisa Guirgis, Claire Foray, Clément Batteux, Régine Roussin, Joy Zoghbi, Emre Belli, Xavier Jaïs, Olivier Sitbon, Laurent Savale, David Montani, Marc Humbert, Sébastien Hascoet
Heart failure is associated with accumulation of long chain acylcarnitines in children suffering from cardiomyopathy
Jean Issa, Iris Ma, Hélène Blasco, François Labarthe, Bruno Lefort
Expanding the limits of TAVI: First in man report of valve implantation in a 25-year-old patient with mucolipidosis
Fedoua El Louali, Caroline Ovaert, Florent Paoli, Brigitte Chabrol, Thomas Cuisset
Prenatal diagnosis of persistent left superior vena cava: Prognosis of 113 isolated cases and 143 associated cases
I. Durand, T. Hazelzet, A. Gillibert, C. Parrod, N. David, F. El Youssef, A.C. Brehin, E. Barre
Balloon dilation versus surgery for severe neonatal aortic valve stenosis: A matched comparison
G. Carles, M. Lenoir, Interne necker, E. Aries, F. El Louali, O. Raisky, C. Ovaert
Retrospective descriptive study of the first cohort of patients operated for congenital and paediatric heart disease on Reunion Island between 2015 and 2020
Gérald Laforest, Yaël Levy
Prenatal diagnosis of complete atrioventricular canal
Jihene Basli, Fathi Mraihi, Hédi Kamoun, Amal Badri, Olfa Mchirgui, Dalenda Chelli
Tailored surgical technique for neonatal coarctation repair through thoracotomy
Bastien Provost, Sébastien Hascoët, Emmanuelle Fournier, Meriem Mostefa-Kara, Isabelle Van Aerschot, Regine Roussin, Joy Zoghbi, Emre Belli
Modeling inherited short-coupled polymorphic ventricular tachycardia using patient specific hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes and CRISPR/Cas 9 technology
Yvonne Sleiman, Monia Souidi, Ritu Kumar, Ellen Yang, Fabrice Jaffré, Ting Zhou, Albin Bernardin, Steve Reiken, Olivier Cazorla, Andrey V. Kajava, Adrien Moreau, Jean-Luc Pasquié, Andrew R. Marks, Bruce B. Lerman, Shuibing Chen, Jim W. Cheung, Todd Evans, Alain Lacampagne, Albano C. Meli
Evolution of practices: Early extubation in high-risk infants after pediatric cardiac surgery
S. Cressens, A. Boët, F. Decailliot, C. Mirabile, E. Mokhfi, J. Zoghbi, E. Belli
Pentalogy of Cantrell: An extremely rare congenital anomaly diagnosis in the first trimester screening
Fathi Mraihi, Amal Badri, Jihene Basli, Dalenda Chelli
Cardiotoxicity of perioperative chemotherapy for neublastoma in pediatric visceral surgery
K. El Fakhr, K. Damaan, S. Yahya, W. Aissaoui, S. Kalouch, K. Yaqini, A. Chlilek
Sinus venosus atrial septal defect in adults: Where we are and where we go? Initial experience of percutaneous repair
Clément Batteux, Philippe Brenot, Bastien Provost, Vlad Ciobotaru, Sarah Cohen, Isabelle Van Aerschot, Jied Laribi, Emmanuelle Fournier, Jérôme Petit, Joy Zoghbi, Meriem Mostefa-Kara, Nicolas Combes, Alice Maltret, Régine Roussin, Emre Belli, Sébastien Hascoet