Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases est une publication mensuelle de la Société Française de Cardiologie éditée par Elsevier. En langue anglaise, les ACVD comprennent des éditoriaux scientifiques, des articles originaux, des revues générales de synthèse et les textes de recommandations de la SFC. Les thématiques abordées incluent les maladies coronariennes et valvulaires, la rythmologie, les cardiomyopathies, l'insuffisance cardiaque, l'imagerie cardiovasculaire, la médecine vasculaire et l'hypertension artérielle, l'épidémiologie et les facteurs de risque.
Scientific editorial
Clinical research
Clinical outcomes with high-intensity statins according to atherothrombotic risk stratification after acute myocardial infarction: The FAST-MI registries
Edouard Desjobert, Victoria Tea, François Schiele, Jean Ferrières, Tabassome Simon, Nicolas Danchin, Etienne Puymirat, for the FAST-MI investigators
Left atrial dysfunction as marker of poor outcome in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Benjamin Essayagh, Noémie Resseguier, Nicolas Michel, Anne-Claire Casalta, Sébastien Renard, Valeria Donghi, Andreina Carbone, Chiara Piazzai, Pierre Ambrosi, Franck Levy, Hélène Martel, Hilla Gérard, Jean-François Avierinos, Karine N’Guyen, Gilbert Habib
Are routine cryoballoon procedural characteristics predictive of atrial arrhythmia recurrence in the long term?
Adrian Mirolo, Corentin Chaumont, Arnaud Savoure, Benedicte Godin, Olivier Raitière, Hélène Eltchaninoff, Frédéric Anselme
Value of preoperative echocardiography for the diagnosis of coronary artery patterns in neonates with transposition of the great arteries
Claire Bertail-Galoin, Cecile Leconte, Mohamed Bakloul, Thomas Perouse-de-Montclos, Anne Moulin-Zinsch, Caroline Martin-Bonnet, Bernard Debost, Sylvie Di Filippo
Predictive value of premature atrial complex characteristics in pulmonary vein isolation for patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
David Hamon, Baptiste Courty, Antoine Leenhardt, Pascal Lim, Nathalie Elbaz, Segolene Rouffiac, Emilie Varlet, Vincent Algalarrondo, Anne Messali, Etienne Audureau, Fabrice Extramiana, Nicolas Lellouche
Triglycerides and risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: An update
Michel Farnier, Marianne Zeller, David Masson, Yves Cottin
Focus on stereotactic radiotherapy: A new way to treat severe ventricular arrhythmias?
Frédéric Sacher, Estelle Gandjbakhch, Philippe Maury, Catherine Jenny, Jonathan Khalifa, Serge Boveda, Pascal Defaye, Daniel Gras, Didier Klug, Gabriel Laurent, Nicolas Lellouche, Jacques Mansourati, Eloi Marijon, Olivier Piot, Jerome Taieb, Hubert Cochet, Philippe Maingon, Etienne Pruvot, Laurent Fauchier, for the Working Group of Cardiac Pacing, Electrophysiology of the French Society of Cardiology
Expert consensus
Risk stratification and screening for coronary artery disease in asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus: Position paper of the French Society of Cardiology and the French-speaking Society of Diabetology
Paul Valensi, Patrick Henry, Franck Boccara, Emmanuel Cosson, Gaetan Prevost, Joseph Emmerich, Laura Ernande, Dany Marcadet, Elie Mousseaux, François Rouzet, Ariane Sultan, Jean Ferrières, Bruno Vergès, Eric Van Belle