


  • 📌 À LA UNE : Incorporating Exercise Training into Cardio-Oncology Care: Current Evidence and Opportunities: JACC: CardioOncology State-of-the-Art Review | Lire l'article JACC
  • Cardiac Troponins for Diagnosis and Prognostic Assessment of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Myocarditis and Myositis: The Emerging Importance of Peripheral Vision | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS
  • Cardio-Oncology Rehabilitation for Cancer Survivors With High Cardiovascular Risk: A Randomized Clinical Trial | Lire l'article JAMA NETWORK
  • Cardiotoxicity of BRAF/MEK Inhibitors: A Longitudinal Study Incorporating Contemporary Definitions and Risk Scores | Lire l'article JACC
  • Cardiovascular Effects of GnRH Antagonists Compared With Agonists in Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review | Lire l'article JACC
  • Cardiovascular Toxicities of BTK Inhibitors in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: JACC: CardioOncology State-of-the-Art Review | Lire l'article JACC
  • Impaired Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle Energetics Following Anthracycline Therapy for Breast Cancer | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS
  • Long-term Consequence of Mediastinal Radiation Therapy for Thymoma on Cardiovascular System Confirmed by Cardiovascular Imaging | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS
  • Physical Activity During Breast Cancer Therapy Associates With Preserved Exercise Capacity and Cardiac Function (WF97415) | Lire l'article JACC
  • The Association of Metformin With Heart Failure in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Receiving Anthracycline Chemotherapy | Lire l'article JACC



  • 📌 ​​À LA UNE :​ Orthostatic Hypotension, Hypertension Treatment, and Cardiovascular Disease: An Individual Participant Meta-Analysis | Lire l'article JAMA NETWORK​​​​


  • 📌 ​​À LA UNE : Cardiovascular Imaging in Contemporary Cardio-Oncology: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS
  • Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography With Fractional Flow Reserve in Patients With Type 2 Myocardial Infarction | Lire l'article JACC
  • Impact of Positron Emission Tomographic Myocardial Perfusion Imaging on Patient Selection for Revascularization | Lire l'article JACC​​


  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : Maternal and Pregnancy Outcomes Following Heart Transplantation in the United States | Lire l'article JACC


  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : ​​2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes: Developed by the task force on the management of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) | Lire l'article EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL
  • Adherence to CPAP Treatment and the Risk of Recurrent Cardiovascular Events, A Meta-Analysis | Lire l'article JAMA NETWORK
  • From plasma triglycerides to triglyceride metabolism: effects on mortality in the Copenhagen General Population Study | Lire l'article EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL
  • Perivascular adipose tissue as a source of therapeutic targets and clinical biomarkers: A clinical consensus statement from the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Coronary Pathophysiology and Micro-circulation | Lire l'article EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL
  • Performance of the ACC/AHA Pooled Cohort Cardiovascular Risk Equations in Clinical Practice | Lire l'article JACC


  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : Intracardiac vs Transesophageal Echocardiography for Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion With Watchman FLX in the U.S. | Lire l'article JACC
  • Asymptomatic Patients With Brugada ECG Pattern: Long-Term Prognosis From a Large Prospective Study | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS
  • Atrial Myopathy Quantified by Speckle-tracking Echocardiography in Mice | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS
  • Intra-pocket ultrasound-guided axillary vein puncture vs. cephalic vein cutdown for cardiac electronic device implantation: the ACCESS trial | Lire l'article EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL
  • Catheter-Based Electroporation: A Novel Technique for Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias | Lire l'article JACC
  • Characteristics of patients with Atrial Fibrillation treated with direct oral anticoagulants and New Insights into inappropriate dosing: Results from the French National PAF Registry | Lire l'article EP EUROPACE
  • Defibrillation Testing of the Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator at the time of Generator Replacement | Lire l'article HEART RHYTHM JOURNAL
  • Effects of Synchronizing Foot Strike and Cardiac Phase on Exercise Hemodynamics in Patients With Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: A Within-Subjects Pilot Study to Fine-Tune Cardio-Locomotor Coupling for Heart Failure | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS
  • Implantable Cardioverter-defibrillator Deactivation at Distance for the Dignity of Dying (the 4D Project) | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS
  • Use of a taurolidine containing antimicrobial wash to reduce cardiac implantable electronic device infection | Lire l'article EP EUROPACE


  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : 2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes: Developed by the task force on the management of acute coronary syndromes of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) | Lire l'article EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL
  • Accelerated ­Rule-Out of acute Myocardial Infarction using prehospital copeptin and in-hospital troponin: The AROMI study | Lire l'article EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL
  • Chest Pain in Cancer Patients: Prevalence of Myocardial Infarction and Performance of High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponins | Lire l'article JACC
  • Culprit plaque morphology determines inflammatory risk and clinical outcomes in acute coronary syndrome | Lire l'article EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL
  • Dipeptidyl peptidase 3 plasma levels predict cardiogenic shock and mortality in acute coronary syndromes | Lire l'article EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL
  • Efficacy and Safety of Anticoagulation, Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis, or Systemic Thrombolysis in Acute Pulmonary Embolism | Lire l'article JACC
  • Psychosocial Factors of Women Presenting With Myocardial Infarction With or Without Obstructive Coronary Arteries | Lire l'article JACC
  • Systematic Assessment of Shock Severity in Postoperative Cardiac Surgery Patients | Lire l'article JACC​​


  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : Tricuspid Valve Academic Research Consortium Definitions for Tricuspid Regurgitation and Trial Endpoints | Lire l'article JACC
  • Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Versus Computed Tomography to Guide Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: A Randomized, Open-Label, Noninferiority Trial | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS
  • Metabolic Dysfunction in Aortic Stenosis: A Key Piece of the Pathophysiological | Lire l'article AHA JOURNALS


  • 📌 ​À LA UNE : ​Deep Learning of Electrocardiograms in Sinus Rhythm From US Veterans to Predict Atrial Fibrillation | Lire l'article JAMA NETWORK


  • ​📌 À LA UNE : Venous Thromboembolism After COVID-19 Infection Among People With and Without Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases | Lire l'article JAMA NETWORK


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