Task Force Members: Gilles Montalescot* (Chairperson) (France), Udo Sechtem* (Chairperson) (Germany), Stephan Achenbach (Germany), Felicita Andreotti (Italy), Chris Arden (UK), Andrzej Budaj (Poland), Raffaele Bugiardini (Italy), Filippo Crea (Italy), Thomas Cuisset (France), Carlo Di Mario (UK), J. Rafael Ferreira (Portugal), Bernard J. Gersh (USA), Anselm K. Gitt (Germany), Jean-Sebastien Hulot (France), Nikolaus Marx (Germany), Lionel H. Opie (South Africa), Matthias Pfisterer (Switzerland), Eva Prescott (Denmark), Frank Ruschitzka (Switzerland), Manel Sabate´(Spain), Roxy Senior (UK), David Paul Taggart (UK), Ernst E. van derWall (Netherlands), Christiaan J.M. Vrints (Belgium).
Authors/Task Force Members: Lars Ryde´n* (ESC Chairperson) (Sweden), Peter J. Grant* (EASD Chairperson) (UK), Stefan D. Anker (Germany), Christian Berne (Sweden), Francesco Cosentino (Italy), Nicolas Danchin (France), Christi Deaton (UK), Javier Escaned (Spain), Hans-Peter Hammes (Germany), Heikki Huikuri (Finland), Michel Marre (France), Nikolaus Marx (Germany), Linda Mellbin (Sweden), Jan Ostergren (Sweden), Carlo Patrono (Italy), Petar Seferovic (Serbia), Miguel Sousa Uva (Portugal), Marja-Riita Taskinen (Finland), Michal Tendera (Poland), Jaakko Tuomilehto (Finland), Paul Valensi (France), Jose Luis Zamorano (Spain)
Authors/Task Force Members: Michele Brignole (Chairperson) (Italy)*, Angelo Auricchio (Switzerland), Gonzalo Baron-Esquivias (Spain), Pierre Bordachar (France), Giuseppe Boriani (Italy), Ole-A Breithardt (Germany), John Cleland (UK), Jean-Claude Deharo (France), Victoria Delgado (Netherlands), Perry M. Elliott (UK), Bulent Gorenek (Turkey), CarstenW. Israel (Germany), Christophe Leclercq (France), Cecilia Linde (Sweden), Lluı´s Mont (Spain), Luigi Padeletti (Italy), Richard Sutton (UK), Panos E. Vardas (Greece)
Authors/Task Force Members: Giuseppe Mancia (Chairperson) (Italy)*, Robert Fagard (Chairperson) (Belgium)*, Krzysztof Narkiewicz (Section co-ordinator) (Poland), Josep Redon (Section co-ordinator) (Spain), Alberto Zanchetti (Section co-ordinator) (Italy), Michael Bo¨hm (Germany), Thierry Christiaens (Belgium), Renata Cifkova (Czech Republic), Guy De Backer (Belgium), Anna Dominiczak (UK), Maurizio Galderisi (Italy), Diederick E. Grobbee (Netherlands), Tiny Jaarsma (Sweden), Paulus Kirchhof (Germany/UK), Sverre E. Kjeldsen (Norway), Ste´phane Laurent (France), Athanasios J. Manolis (Greece), Peter M. Nilsson (Sweden), Luis Miguel Ruilope (Spain), Roland E. Schmieder (Germany), Per Anton Sirnes (Norway), Peter Sleight (UK), Margus Viigimaa (Estonia), BernardWaeber (Switzerland), Faiez Zannad (France)
Position du GERS (groupe exercice, réadaptation et sport) et de la commission d’éducation thérapeutique de la société française de cardiologie.
Bruno Pavy, Régis Barbet, François Carré, Christine Champion, Marie-Christine Iliou, Patrick Jourdain, Yves Juillière, Catherine Monpère, Richard Brion
Groupe de relecture (GERS) : Gilles Bosser, Jean-Louis Bussière, Gilles Cellarier, Alain Cohen-Solal, Sonia Corone, Sophie Durand, Barnabas Gellen, Sylvain Guérard, Bernard Pierre, Jean-Yves Tabet, Bénédicte Vergès.
Groupe de relecture (Commission ETP) : Patrick Assyag, François Delahaye, Jean-Jacques Dujardin, Daniel Herpin, Jean-Pierre Houppe, Jean Ferrières, François Paillard, Véronique Thoré, Jean-Noël Trochu.
Consensus statement on care of the hyperglycaemic/diabetic patient during and in the immediate follow-up of an acute coronary syndrome.
Vergès B, Avignon A, Bonnet F, Catargi B, Cattan S, Cosson E, Ducrocq G, Elbaz M, Fredenrich A, Gourdy P, Henry P, Lairez O, Leguerrier AM, Monpère C, Moulin P, Vergès-Patois B, Roussel R, Steg G, Valensi P (Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease study group of the SFD [Société Francophone du Diabète], in collaboration with the SFC) .